
Click on the links below to view our Policies.

Accessibility Plan Nov 2023/Nov 2024

Active Travel Policy Dec 2023/Dec 2024

Admission Arrangements for Carr Lodge Academy 2023/2024 Nursery 2023/2024

Admission Arrangements for Carr Lodge Academy 2023/2024 School Year 2023/2024

Admission Application Form DMBC 23/24/25

Admission Policy March 2024/Sept 2024

Allergens Policy Jan 2023/Nov 2025

Anti-Bullying Policy Sept 2023/Sept 24

Anti-Fraud and Bribery Policy V6 - May 2024 - September 2024

Application for Leave of Absence Sept 2023/24

Attendance Policy Sept 2023/Sept 2024

Positive Relationships and Behaviour Policy - V5 - June 23/June 24

CCTV & Surveillance Policy V4 Sept 2023/2024

Charging & Remission Policy  Feb 2024/Sept 2024

Competitive Tendering and Procurement V7 May 2024/ Sept 2024

Complaints Policy and Procedure March 2024/Sept 2024

Confidentiality Policy V5 Sept 2023/ Sept 2024

Code of Conduct For all Members, Directors and Local Governing Bodies Sept 2023/Sept 2024

Data Protection Policy June 2024/September 2024

Data Retention Policy V4 June 2024/ Sept 2025

Dinner Money Policy Sept 2023/Sept 2024

Director and Governor Allowance Policy V3 Sept 2023/ Sept 2024

Educational Visits Policy March 2024 /April 2025 

Equality and Diversity Policy Sept 2023/Sept 2026

Finance Policy and Procedure V6 May 2024/ September 2024

First Aid Policy Sept 2022/Sept 2024

Foundation Stage Policy Sept 2023/Sept 2024

GDPR Privacy Notice Sept 2023/Sept 2024

Gifts and Hospitality Policy V4May 2023/ Sept 2024

Health and Safety Sept 2023/Sept 2024

Health and Safety Addendum Nov 2023/Nov 2024

Home and Remote working  Policy Oct 2023/Sept 2024

ICT Acceptable Use Policy - Adults V1 - Sept 2023/Sept 2024

ICT Acceptable Use Policy - Children  V1 Sept 2023/2024

Intimate Care Policy April 2024/Sept 2025

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Kingfisher Childcare Charging Policy March 2024/April 2025

Lettings Policy V10 - April 2024 - April 2025 

Low Level Concerns Policy Sept 23/Sept 24 

Managing Medicine Policy  Nov 23/Nov 24

Mobile Phone Pupil Policy - V1 - March 2024 - Sept 2024

Online Safety Policy April 2024/April 2025

Parent and Visitor Conduct Policy Sept 23 to Sept 24

Photography and Filming at School Policy Sept 2023/2024

Premises Management Policy V8 - Sept 2023/ Sept 2024

Preventing and Tackling Bullying Advice

Promoting British Values Policy October 2022 to October 24

PSHE and RSHE Policy June 2023 to June 2024

Publication Scheme and Freedom of Information June 2024- September 2025

Pupils who abscond - V3 - April 2024/ September 2024

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Carr Lodge Academy Feb 2024/Sept 2024

Safeguarding Children at Carr Lodge Academy June 2023/2024

Safer Recruitment Policy V12 -January 2024 - September 2024

Scheme of Delegation Policy - V7 - September 2023 - September 2024

SEND Policy Jan 2022 to Jan 2026

SEND and Looked After Children Jan 2024 to Jan 2026

Suspension and Exclusion Policy V2 - April 2023 - April 2024

No Smoking or Vaping Policy Sept 2023/Sept 2025

Whistleblowing Policy Sept 2023/Sept 2024

Uncollected childpolicy and procedure May 2023/May 2024

Uniform Policy October 2022/October 2024

Volunteers in school policy Dec 2022/2024